Pink Shirt | Blanket Scarf | Denim | Black Pumps
Handbag |Watch |Bracelet | Earrings | Sunglasses
Is everyone gearing up for Thanksgiving? I know we are around here! One of my new favorite traditions is going to the spa the day after with my three sister in laws. We decided last year to stop exchanging Christmas gifts with one another and just spend the day at a spa together. This way we can chat, relax and go home pampered.
Plaid scarves have been a huge hit this season. I had my eye on this scarf last year and was going to wait to buy it on my annual Girl Cousin Vacation at the Mall of America. Oh boy was that a mistake! This sucker sold out in a hot minute. The scarf Gods got the memo and brought it back this year. HALLELUAH! I scooped up the very last one and went home a happy gal. I love the hot pink in it and thought it was fun to add my bright pink handbag to beat the fall rainy day blues we have had here lately. Can you tell I love these jeans? I have them in three colors. Black, Gray and Blue and they feel like buttah on your body. Seriously the softest skinny jeans ever. All of my girlfriends swear by them too…try them on and you will fall in love!
It is also Tuesday Shoesday so hit up the mall or DSW and swipe a pair of holiday heels!
Love this!
Thanks Staci!